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Create new account

Account registration is currently open, and we are still accepting new members, please fill in the short form below to become a part of our constantly growing community.

Step 1. Creating my profile

Step 2. Setting up my wallets


Important information! Please read it first!

1. E-mail

Use only valid e-mail address which you can actually sign in order to receive a withdrawal code and important information. All accounts with inactive e-mails will be permanently deactivated without any deposit refunds. We strongly recommend you to use gmail.com

2. IP and physical address

In order to protect your funds and do not cause an automatic security checkout, please try to log in your Chester Mining profile with only one IP address, basically using one physical address only.

3. Multiple accounts

It is strictly prohibited to register multiple accounts in your team. All new investor's profiles are being constantly moderated and checked on affiliate fraud attempts. In the case of confirmed affiliate fraud, all accounts (including referrer) will be permanently blocked without any deposits or available balance refunds. Use only one account for your needs.

Your Upline n/a

By creating an account, you automatically agree to Chester Mining Terms and Conditions for service.